Please forgive me for my sins.
Please forgive me for everything that I have done against you.
I do not deserve any of your blessings.
Thank You for giving me another day to live.
I thank You for my wonderful family.
Please take care of them.
I pray that You will care for my daughter and her family during their trip to Virginia.
If it is in your will, they will find a place to live, and she will be able to find a good job.
I pray that you will open my son-in-law’s heart to go to school and continue his education.
I thank You, Lord, for taking care of the house and us during the storm yesterday.
I pay for everyone’s safety.
In Jesus name,
A Writer and a Doctor – My Journal Conversation with God – 27 August 2023
Thank You for the experience and the blessings that You gave my wife and me during our trip to the beach on Friday Night.
It was a great time and very exciting when my wife caught her first fish, and we almost had a crab.
Thank You, Lord, for clearing my mind and giving me peace at the beach.
I pray that the peace You gave me will last forever.
Thank You, Lord, for the decision to work with Atlas.
There are so many things that I need to try first before I surrender to my previous life, which, in my mind, I refuse to do.
Lord, I promise to put all my effort toward you, my family, my book, my business, and my writings.
If there are other items I should be putting effort into, please open my eyes and heart to show me.
In Jesus name,
A Writer and a Doctor – My Journal Conversation with God – 22 August 2023
Dear Lord,
Today is the 5th anniversary of the business,
I want to thank You for your blessings on the business, which has survived for this long.
Yes, it hasn’t been that successful like many other startups,
but we have had a few clients in the past few years.
I pray that your blessings on the business will be prosperous during 2023-2024.
Lord, I pray that You forgive me for my action on Sunday with the other driver in front of Orlando’s.
This isn’t the way that a child of God should behave.
Also, I pray for forgiveness for the other sins that I did.
I also pray for a resolution with the gun purchase, bank, and seeking a second job.
Lord, this gun is not essential; it removes the red flag.
Regarding the bank, I want to continue what I am doing by making deposits and transfers when necessary.
My goal is to pay off that visa and close my accounts.
Regarding the second job, if it is in Your will, I will take it. If not, I will concentrate on my writing and the business.
Lord, please guide me on what You would like me to do.
My heart and mind are open!
Please bless my family and take care of my daughter and family during their camping trip.
In Jesus name, I pray,
A Writer and a Doctor – My Journal Conversation with God – 19 August 2023
Dear Lord,
Thank You for talking to Atlas and Adapt Forward on Monday.
Even if there are no results or job offers from either company, I am thrilled and excited about the interviews.
Thank You for getting rid of my headache.
Thank You for the beautiful weekend.
I pray that You will keep my mind at peace.
Whatever happens, happens.
I also pray that the “A Writer and a Doctor” journal blog helps someone out there.
That will be awesome!
I pray that I will be able to get a new journal soon.
I like the one that I am using now.
I pray for Your blessings on my family and friends and all those who need Your help,
In Jesus name,
A Writer and a Doctor – My Journal Conversation with God – 18 August 2023
Our Father,
I thank you for giving me another day to live.
I did wake up feeling a little dizzy.
However, I know that I am good to go.
I pray for the people in the accident around the circle.
Please forgive me for making fun of them and “yelling” at someone who wouldn’t turn right.
Thank You, Lord, for getting my daughter and her family safe home on Wednesday.
I pray that my granddaughter will have a great speech class this morning.
I pray that I will find things to do to keep me busy throughout the day instead of sitting around and being bored.
I know that my wife doesn’t like it.
If a second job is in the future, I will be there.
I will also work on my writing.
I pray that you please forgive me for my sins.
I pray I will stop everything I have been doing against You.
Thank You for my and my wife’s story about the “Cyborg and the Furry Animals” – haha!!
It was great creating something together.
Also, thanks to my daughter for taking a look at it.
I appreciate all of the blessings that You have given me!
In Jesus name,
A Writer and a Doctor – My Journal Conversations with God – 8 August 2023
I am going to dedicate my time to the business.
Whatever happens, happens.
As I mentioned in the entry yesterday, one of the reasons why the business is not succeeding or thriving is because I am not dedicating enough time to it.
Lord, Please do not take away the house or my wife because of my sins.
I pray for your forgiveness.
I am the only one that deserves to be punished.
Not my wife,
She has nothing to do with this.
Thank You, Lord, for everything.
For all of your blessings.
For Your forgiveness.
Your blessings and Your salvation.
In Jesus name,
A Writer and a Doctor – My Journal Conversation with God – 7 August 2023
Heavenly Father,
I am learning a lot by reading “Creativity Inc.” by Ed Catmull.
It has opened my mind to ideas I can implement in our business.
Sometimes, I think the business is not flourishing because I am not putting in enough effort.
Sometimes, I think it is not flourishing because of the “road blocked” that You set.
Only You know, but please show me!
I still have an interest in making the business better.
I realize I need to be more organized and not try to do “a hundred” things simultaneously.
I need to relax, have an open mind, slow down, and let things happen.
Thank You, Lord, for my wife helping me with the “Summer Battle.”
It was enjoyable.
Thanks to Alex for taking a look, also.
Lord, I pray that You keep the emotions away that nobody cares, I am left out, nobody likes me, etc.
Everybody has a job to do or a project to run.
I know it is terrible on my part to think evil thoughts because I am not a leader or a significant amount of the decision-making process.
I have my part and will do my part to the best of my ability.
Thank You, Lord, for this beautiful day and this home with a back porch!
In Jesus name!
A Writer and a Doctor – My Journal Conversations with God – 4 August 2023
Dear Lord,
Please forgive me for my sins against You and my family.
I pray that You will please forgive me and clean me.
I pray that You will come into my heart and save me!!
I have asked several times before for salvation. I know that You have taken care of me.
However, I keep messing up!
Please change my life forever!
Get rid of these thoughts of being wealthy, successful, better than anyone, etc.
I want to help everyone.
I pray that my writings will help out at least one person.
That is what I want,
someone to read the writings and then come to You for love, help, guidance, and especially salvation.
That will be great.
In Jesus name,
A Writer and a Doctor – My Journal Conversation with God – 3 August 2023
Sometimes, I want to quit everything.
I want to walk away from it all.
My job, my business, my writings, my doctor’s degree.
Sometimes, I wonder why I got a doctorate or started a business when nothing worked.
I keep hearing that life will improve and you will get more respect when you get a doctor’s degree.
Well, it is not happening here!
Sometimes, my life has worsened since the degree and the business.
I want to give up on it all.
Am I just feeling sorry for myself?
Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve anything!
God, I need your help!
I am ready to withdraw and keep my mouth shut.
Have I tried everything?
Maybe it seems like it.
However, if there are avenues, please show me.
Just let me know.
I am giving up on myself and helping others for my time here.
In Jesus name,
Ms. Volunteer
Ms. Volunteer
Here is a story that I submitted to Reedsy’s Writing Prompts Contest! I hope you all enjoy it.
Ms. Volunteer
Living overseas can be a challenge. Especially when you live in a country you are unfamiliar with for three years because your husband is serving in the armed forces. Ms. Elena knew what she signed up for when she walked down the aisle five years previously in a small church just outside her hometown. This is the military life, and I will do everything I can to support our family while we are here.
Ms. Elena loved challenges, and she also loved to help people. There were many times that she would go out of her way to take food to hungry strangers, shelter women because they were domestically abused, or open her home to military families because the spouse had to leave early to comply with military orders.
Over a year into her current stay, she felt the urge to help again. How can she make everyone happy while at the same time serving her country like her husband was doing without going into the armed forces? Suddenly, a fantastic idea came to her.
“Everyone is getting prepared for the holidays, which are a couple of months away, and since we are in a foreign country, many service members and their families will depend on Christmas packages, cards, and letters from their loved ones at home to make their holidays.”
“That is it!!”
“I will volunteer at the military post office.”
“Helping people out would make them happy, which is always my calling!”
Eager to start, she got up early the following day and rode with her husband to his work because the post office was only a few blocks away. After arriving, Ms. Elena peaked at the door to see if anyone was there. Seeing an attendant at the counter, she asked to speak to someone about volunteering for the upcoming holiday season. The attendant pointed to the person in charge, who was in the back sorting out the daily mail after the trucks arrived earlier that morning.
Ms. Elena approached him and asked if she could help, especially with the holidays approaching. The boss was happy to see her because he needed more help than ever. However, Ms. Elena would have to fill out paperwork to make it official and ensure that she understood that it was just on a volunteer basis, with no pay or salary involved. Ms. Elena was very excited about the arrangement, and she filled out the paperwork right away and gave it to the boss.
Of course, working at the post office would not be easy, and she had many things to learn. She teamed up with another volunteer and the team lead to learn the ropes. First was unloading the mail from the trucks during the morning run. Next was separating the letters and cards from the packages. Afterward, the letters and cards were divided into sections according to the mailboxes’ location. Then came filling out cards indicating to the recipients that a package had arrived for them. Afterward, the mail, cards, and package notifications were distributed to the individual mailboxes. To Ms. Elena, this was one of the fun parts of the day because she knew that someone was going to be very happy to find something special in their mailbox; she loved distributing the mail just like the Grinch spread the mail during the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas especially when Mr. Grinch was throwing mail into the Whoville post office boxes while saying “jury duty, jury duty, jury duty, junk mail, pink slip, eviction notice etc.”
However, the most satisfying part of the day, which made Ms. Elena’s day, was watching the service members and families opening their mailboxes and seeing the Christmas cards, letters, and package notifications. It was great watching their eyes light up, smiles come to their faces, and their spirits light up because of what was in the mailbox. Ms. Elena enjoyed being at the front counter, taking the notifications, and getting the packages for the customers. It was awesome watching the children jumping up and down in excitement because they knew there were Christmas gifts in those boxes even though they knew they couldn’t open them up until Christmas morning.
Even though it brought great satisfaction to Ms. Elena putting the Christmas Cards, letters, and package notifications in the mailboxes, one of the other things that she loved to do was to assist in delivering packages, notes, and cards to the loved ones at home in the United States. Ms. Elena was more than happy to make sure each of the gifts had exceptional care and to ensure the senders did not worry because the post office will do everything in their power to ensure all will be delivered safely and have a great Christmas.
Ms. Elena loved volunteering so much that she stayed several months after the Christmas season to help where she could. The joy of seeing people’s faces when they picked up their mail was because she knew how a letter or a card would bring happiness to those in receipt.
In the late spring, it was time for her and her husband to return to the United States to a new duty station. During her last week at the Post Office, her boss and the team had a special going away luncheon in her honor to thank her for all the help and joy that she brought to everyone during her time there. After the luncheon, the boss presented her with a gift, a certificate, and a trophy, symbolizing his and the team’s appreciation for Ms. Elena for her time there. An inscription on the award said, “A special thanks to Ms. Elena for all her time and efforts in making the Post Office a better place to work.” Thank you very much, Ms. Volunteer!!
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