Dear Lord,
Many things have taken place since I last wrote in this journal;
- My birthday
- My granddaughter is going to school
- The windstorm
- The new fence
- The possible new roof
Thank You very much for blessing me and letting me see these days.
I have messed up many times and don’t deserve to be here.
I shouldn’t receive success, fame, or fortune because I deserve it.
Especially with my attitude of wondering why this person or that person gets all of the glory for doing so little,
while I am busting my butt trying my hardest to establish a business or write blogs,
and don’t even get a client or a thank You.
It is like listening to crickets on a cartoon or a comedy show when nothing happens.
I even get jealous or envious when I don’t receive recognition or when nobody chats with me at work, actually online.
This is the wrong attitude to have.
This is not a character that a Christian should possess.
My work and my writing should be there to help people.
Not to make me famous
Get me on the New York Times best-seller list,
Or even a consideration for the Nobel Peace Prize, ha ha!
Lord, give me that attitude and the character to help people, especially my family.
I want them to be successful,
Reach the goals they set
and be what they want to be.
I want to relax, write, and enjoy life as it comes!
Thank You once again for your blessings!
In Jesus name,